9 research outputs found


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    The important thing in the implementation of regional autonomy is there is freedom of local governments (discretionery power) to carry out self-government on the basis of initiative, creativity and role-and active community in order to develop and promote the area. Authority of local governments to run some matters that is set in a regulation called “Perda” (local government regulation). In the framework of orderly administration and increasing the quality of the local government regulation product, required a process of the preparation procedure or regulation to be more effective and coordinated, that is the need to Understand the Design Guidelines of Local Government Regulations which have some perspective on: Tax and Retribution, Human Rights, Gender Equality, Development sustainability, etc., making it easier to do the evaluation and monitoring. Besides the need to prepare a script of academic (academic draft). Active community involvement and capacity building of legal drafter is a must if local government want to improve the regulation to be better quality.  Key words: local government regulation, regional autonomy, local governmen

    Peran Inspektorat Daerah Kota Samarinda Dalam Mempertahankan Opini Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian (WTP)

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    Local government will gain prestige if the examination accounting performance of local government gets an unqualified opinion (WTP) from BPK. The opinion shows that the performance of the local government is in accordance with the principle of accountability. However, not all of local governments be able to achieve the predicate of WTP, because indeed to get it is not easy. Therefore, it is necessary for agencies to be the leading sector to assist all OPDs in preparing the accounting performance reports of each agency before the BPK enters, and the agency is the Inspectorate. This research aims to describe the role of Inspectorate in Samarinda City in defending the WTP predicate.Using a qualitative approach and descriptive analysis, in-depth interviews were conducted to officials from the Inspectorate and Regional Financial Management Agency (BPKAD) to validate the data. The conclusions obtained were that the Inspectorate had several roles in maintaining the WTP predicates in Samarinda City, namely: the role of facilitation, guidance, and verification for the OPD, the coordination role for the DPRD, the role of coordination and facilitation for the BPK, and the role of reporting and input to regional heads to take further policy steps. Keywords: Inspectorate’s Role, Supervision, Local Government Performance, Unqualified Opinion Abstrak Mendapatkan hasil pemeriksaan kinerja pemerintah daerah dengan predikat opini Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian (WTP) dari BPK merupakan suatu prestise tersendiri bagi daerah. Predikat inilah yang menunjukkan bahwa laporan kinerja keuangan pemerintah daerah sudah sesuai dengan prinsip akuntabilitas. Namun demikian belum semua daerah mampu mencapai derajat WTP, karena memang untuk mendapatkannya tidak mudah. Oleh karenanya perlu instansi yang menjadi leading sector untuk mendampingi seluruh OPD dalam menyusun laporan kinerja keuangan masing-masing instansi sebelum BPK masuk, dan instansi tersebut adalah Inspektorat. Penelitian ini mencoba memberikan gambaran bagaimana peran Inspektorat Daerah Kota Samarinda dalam mendukung predikat WTP yang dalam beberapa tahun ini telah diraih oleh Kota Samarinda. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan analisis deskriptif, dilakukan in-depth interview kepada para pejabat dan stakeholder dari Inspektorat serta Badan Pengelola Keuangan Daerah (BPKAD) agar dapat dilakukan kroscek terhadap data yang ada. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah Inspektorat memiliki beberapa peran dalam mempertahankan predikat WTP di Kota Samarinda, antara lain peran fasilitasi, pembinaan, serta verfikasi bagi OPD, peran koordinasi bagi DPRD, peran koordinasi dan fasilitasi bagi BPK, dan peran pemberi bahan laporan dan masukan bagi kepala daerah untuk mengambil langkah kebijakan lebih lanjut. Kata Kunci: Peran Inspektorat, Pengawasan, Kinerja Pemerintah Daerah, WT

    Analisis Besaran Tambahan Penghasilan Bagi Aparatur Pemerintah Daerah Dengan Metode Indeks Insentif Jabatan

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    This paper descriptively presents a concept of supplementary income calculation for civil servants simulated using Job Incentive Index method. It seriously takes into account the amount of local budget (APBD) allocated for additional income of civil servants (TPP), Number of Regional Civil Servants, and aligned with various related regulations. Using mix-method approach obtained the amount of TPP for each level of job proportionally and based on work performance. This paper also includes key considerations that need to put a concern before the TPP policy is formulated. Consequently, the implementation of TPP can bring “good news†to civil servants themselves and the local government performance as a whole. Furthermore, it is expected not to burden any local budget allocation in other sectors.  Keywords: Job Incentive Index, Additional Income Tulisan ini menyajikan secara deskriptif konsep perhitungan pemberian tambahan penghasilan bagi PNS yang disimulasikan dengan metode Indeks Insentif Jabatan yang secara serius memperhatikan besarnya APBD yang dialokasikan untuk tambahan penghasilan PNS (TPP), banyaknya aparatur daerah yang dimiliki, serta menyelaraskannya dengan berbagai regulasi yang terkait. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan mix-method diperoleh besaran TPP untuk setiap tingkatan jabatannya yang proporsional dan berbasis pada performance kerja. Tulisan ini juga menyertakan pertimbangan-pertimbangan pokok yang perlu dicermati dalam setiap kajian kebijakan TPP sebelum ditetapkan, sehingga penerapan TPP dapat membawa “angin segar†bagi PNS itu sendiri dan kinerja pemerintahan daerah secara agregat tanpa perlu mengganggu atau mengambil porsi pembiayaan untuk sektor lainnya dalam APBD.  Kata Kunci: Indeks Insentif Jabatan, Tambahan Penghasilan&nbsp

    Exploring Innovation Based on Service User Complaints to Increase Satisfaction

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    Increasing service user satisfaction levels is a goal for public service providers. Service user satisfaction surveys are often conducted to describe the level of service user satisfaction that services provided. However, service providers are less able to utilize the results of the surveys to conducting innovation or breakthroughs to improve service user satisfaction. This study used an explorative approach to analyze the level of satisfaction for service users in four public health centers (Puskesmas) in Bontang City, Indonesia. The method used was two stages survey of 1,449 respondents throughout 2019. The complaint in the first survey was the basis for innovating improvements in public services by using the concept of rapid innovation. The results showed that with the short-term innovations that had been implemented, there had been a significant increase in public satisfaction with the services of the Puskesmas. Keywords: customer satisfaction; innovation; public service; public health centers DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/13-16-08 Publication date:August 31st 202

    Investigating Organizational and Human Resource Capacity of Village Government: A Case Study in Kutai Kartanegara Regency

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    Indonesian Village Law No. 6/2014 mandates village to be a self-governing community and local self-government. Based on the law, village government conducts governmental administrative business, local development, fostering village societal, and empowering local people. To support the tasks, it is allowed to raise funds from various sources. This paper aims to investigate any problem and possible solutions to strengthen village capacity in order to achieve the village law vision. This research was conducted in Kutai Kartanegara (Kukar) Regency, Indonesia. It used a qualitative approach and the data were collected in several ways, i.e. focus group discussion, interview, secondary data, and observation. The study showed that village governments have no authority to design their own organizations, because the designs are prepared by central and local governments in detail. Moreover, lack of competence among village government staffs and financial dependency also make village governments rely on supports from central and local governments. It concludes that high intervene from upper governments make the village governments have limited room to manage their organizations. Secondly, policy disharmony among ministers also makes them in a dilemma about which one should be followed. Thirdly, various limited upon villages consequently makes them highly depend on supports, especially financial supports, from higher levels of government. Therefore, some actions need to be taken, such as reducing intervention, synchronizing policies among ministries, strengthening village organization and staffs, and optimizing the role of local government agency and stakeholders to take part in the village development process


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    Coastal tourism development activities in Temajuk provide economic benefits to the community around the coast. However, on the other hand, the beach faces a very disturbing problem of plastic waste, plastic waste around Temajuk Beach is mostly contributed by household waste and also garbage from the ocean. Active and collaborative involvement of various parties in helping to limit the use of plastic waste in the Temajuk Beach Area is very much needed. Interviews with stakeholders and literature studies on existing data such as the government and other institutions involved to get quick wins for plastic waste activities in the Temajuk Beach Tourism Area. So based on the mapping of the problems found in the field, a lot of information is then divided into three parts. The first is the problem that occurred, then followed by various solutions to the problem in brief, and the last part is the expectation regarding the handling of waste management in the Temajuk Beach Tourism Area. Based on the mapping, it can be seen that the waste problem that appears in the Temajuk Tourism Area is not only a problem of waste generation, especially plastic waste. However, the problems that arise are related to the overall management of solid waste management which is still not optimally perceived by the community

    Aktualisasi Budaya Inovasi Pada Organisasi Sektor Publik

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    Innovation is the key to improve organizational performance. The development presently requires the actualization of innovation culture as a continuous improvement in the organizations' services. This paper presents an overview of the application of innovation culture in public sector organizations namely Investment and Integrated Licensing Offices (DPMPTSP) of Samarinda City, as well as factors that influence the success of actualizing the culture of innovation in this organization. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The application of an innovation culture in DPMPTSP of Samarinda City has been relatively optimal, as evidenced by the various achievements and awards that have been achieved. Afterwards, the factors that influence the success of the actualization of innovation culture in DPMPTSP of Samarinda City are mainly by visionary and innovative leadership, reliable human resources, high team collaboration, and budget support. In addition, it can also be analyzed that the innovation culture in this organization has relatively implemented a holistic model of innovation culture. Keywords : Innovation, Innovation Culture, Organization, Public Service Abstrak Inovasi merupakan kunci untuk meningkatkan performa organisasi. Perkembangan zaman menuntut aktualisasi atas budaya inovasi sebagai perbaikan terus menerus atas pelayanan organisasi yang ada. Tulisan ini menyajikan gambaran mengenai penerapan budaya inovasi dalam organisasi sektor publik yakni DPMPTSP Kota Samarinda, serta faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan aktualisasi budaya inovasi dalam organisasi tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan budaya inovasi di DPMPTSP Kota Samarinda relatif sudah berjalan optimal, terbukti dengan berbagai capaian dan penghargaan yang telah dihasilkan. Adapun faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan aktualisasi budaya inovasi di DPMPTSP Kota Samarinda utamanya adalah kepemimpinan visioner dan inovatif, sumberdaya manusia yang handal, kerjasama tim yang tinggi, dan dukungan anggaran. Selain itu, juga dapat dianalisis bahwa budaya inovasi pada organisasi ini relatif sudah menerapkan model holistik budaya inovasi.  Kata Kunci : Inovasi, Organisasi, Budaya Inovasi, Pelayanan Publi

    PENATAAN KELEMBAGAAN PADA DAERAH OTONOM BARU (DOB) (Studi Kasus di Provinsi Kalimantan Utara) (INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT IN NEW AUTONOMOUS REGION (Case Study in the North Kalimantan Province))

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    The possibility of the formation of New Autonomous Region (DOB) is still wide open, however the data shows that most of the DOB has poor performance. North Kalimantan Province is one of the DOB as the 34th province in Indonesia. Arrangement of Institutional structure became the most important stages before DOB can work in this transitional period. This papergives an overview stages the formation of the institutional structure in a transitional period, from East Kalimantan Province to the North Kalimantan Province, and also transitions, changes inlaws and regulations of Law No.32/2004 into Law No.23/2014 on Local Government. This study used a qualitative method with descriptive analysis approach. This paper concluded that the establishment of Institutional, in accordance with the potential and characteristics of the region can respond to the changing demands of internal and external organization of local government. Therefore, proper institutional arrangement will optimize the performance of the newly formed DOB. Keywords: New Aut onomous Regi on ( DOB) , Local Government , North Kalimantan Province Meskipun peluang terbentuknya Daerah Otonomi Baru (DOB) masih ada, namun data menunjukkan bahwa sebagaian besar DOB memiliki kinerja yang buruk. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah tidak tepatnya pembentukan kelembagaan pada DOB, sehi ngga pada pr oses sel anj ut nya t i dak dapat member i kan performakinerja yang optimal. Provinsi Kalimantan Utara merupakan DOB Provinsi yang ke-34. Penataan Kelembagaan menjadi tahapan terpenting sebelum DOB dapat bekerja di masa transisi. Tulisan ini merupakan intisari dari hasil Kajian Penataan Kelembagaan di Provinsi Kalimantan Utara. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik deskriptif analisis, tulisan ini memberikan gambaran tahapan pembentukan kelembagaan di masa transisi dari Provinsi Kalimantan Timur (Induk) ke Provinsi Kalimantan Utara (DOB), dan juga transisi perubahan peraturan perundangan dari UU No. 32 Tahun 2004 menjadi UU No. 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah. Tiga tahapan yang dilakukan dalam pembentukan kelembagaan di DOB Provinsi Kalimantan Utara dapat menjawab tuntutan perubahan internal dan eksternal organisasi pemerintahan daerah, sehingga akan mengoptimalkan kinerja DOB yang baru terbentuk. Kata Kunci: Daerah Otonomi Baru (DOB), Pemerintah Daerah, Provinsi Kalimantan Utar


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    This study aims to identify the characteristic of bureaucratic reforms implemented by the government of Pontianak City. Some innovation has been successfully carried out in order to speed up public services, thus have an impact on increase of public confidence. The results of this study indicate that the role of strong leadership from the Mayor of Pontianak City (Sutarmidji) and public interaction factor becomes an important element in the implementation of bureaucratic reform in Pontianak. Furthermore, in the context of change management, in order to accelerate the bureaucratic reform in Pontianak, local government using power-coercive approach and normative-re-educative approach. Both of these approaches have succeeded in altering the face of Pontianak City bureaucracy becomes: serve the public better, providing excellent service, fast, cheap and even free, safe, easy, transparent, and fair. Keywords : bureaucratic reform, the government of Pontianak City Studi ini bertujuan untuk menemukenali ciri khas reformasi birokrasi yang diterapkan oleh Pemerintah Kota Pontianak. Beberapa pembaharuan/inovasi telah berhasil dilakukan dalam rangka mempercepat pelayanan publik dan meningkatkan kepercayaan publik. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa peran kepemimpinan yang kuat dari Walikota Sutarmidji dan faktor interaksi publik dengan penyelenggara pemerintahan menjadi elemen penting dalam pelaksanaan reform di tubuh birokrasi Kota Pontianak. Adapun pendekatan manajemen perubahan yang diterapkan dalam rangka percepatan reformasi birokrasi di lokus penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kekuasaan-koersif dan pendekatan normatif-reedukatif. Kedua pendekatan ini telah berhasil mengubah wajah birokrasi Kota Pontianak menjadi lebih melayani publik, prima, cepat, murah dan bahkan gratis, aman, mudah, transparan, dan adil. Kata Kunci : Reformasi Birokrasi, Pemerintah Kota Pontiana